Friday, November 7, 2008

The Aspiring Bodybuilder

Bodybuilding is a simple concept that is very self explanatory. It is what I consider to be the art of building the body image you want. Although it is a simple concept, undertaking this endeavor is not as simple, but if you have a passion for it, bodybuilding will not only be rewarding but fun and exciting.

Most people who go to the gym do so to either get in better health, maintain their level of fitness, socialize, or body-build. Now the idea most people associate bodybuilding with is that of building muscles and getting ripped. That would be a correct assumption, but in this article we will also include those whose desired goal is weight-loss because in reality they are also attempting to build the body they want, even if their goal is to lose some of the body they have.

The most important base for any bodybuilding pursuit is first a basic love and appreciation for oneself. Now you may be wondering why this is important, but indulge me for a moment while I explain. No matter what you pursue in life, whether it be your career, relationships, and in the case bodybuilding you will only get as far as your self love will allow you to go. If you are beginning your endeavor with a basic hate or disgust for who you are and what you look like you will eventually achieve only the goal of remaining where you are, and sabotaging any attempt to change. Self Love always expands and will get you to the place of receiving more knowledge and opportunity, but Self Hate constricts and will only serve to perpetuate what you hate. Either way you are getting exactly what you ask for. So keep in mind that your self acceptance allows you to expand your concept of who you are while your Self Loathing keeps you focused solely on the conditions you hate.

So now that we are done with all the mushy stuff let's talk a bit about your aspirations to be a bodybuilder. There are a few things you must understand when pursuing a feat such as this. The first is, forget everything you've ever seen on TV about gaining muscle or losing weight overnight. These are myths and tactics to get you to buy into a product that may without a doubt work, but certainly not in the amount of time promised and in many cases in the long run they will do more damage than good. The best way to approach bodybuilding is to look upon it as an art form, and you are your own artist. Your task is to sculpt the image you wish to appear. This takes time, effort, skill, and proper attitude. Time requires your patience and understanding on how bodily changes work; effort needs to be sustained and become a part of your life and not just a quick fix; skill requires that you have the knowledge base to get from A to B; and lastly proper attitude is the foundation upon which all the others stand for the attitude you take into it will directly affect the results you receive.

So do you have what it takes to tackle this challenge head on. Time(patience), effort, skill, and proper attitude will get you far in the sport of bodybuilding. You have to be willing to make these qualities a part of yourself, and hence they will be a part of the new lifestyle you are creating. The gym, your nutrition, and your proper attitude are your carving tools so get to work sculpting, and have fun.

Much Success, My Friend

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